Instagrammer's Space

Monday, July 15, 2013

Esse Gives Back Fund Raising Event

Hope you guys are having an awesome Monday without the blues especially Penangites who believed in this!  

& then LOL!

Btw, I used to love holidays but nowadays no thanks or else I'm gonna have REPLACEMENT CLASSES again!  So I rather 先苦后甜! :)

 As for me I am stealing some time to blog again :P  Let me ask you guys a question, have you guys ever wonder how could you do something for the society?  Touch your heart and think about it, some might be answering yes but sometimes thoughts like 'I'm not filthy rich, what can I contribute?' might have crossed your mind and others might be going with a negative.  Sometimes it's just the thought that counts rather than anything else and there it goes with the saying when there's a will there's a way!   So let me show you the way:
 I don't usually blog on weekdays lately but this time it's exceptional as I'm just dropping by to share the good news for you guys who have the heart to contribute.  So kindly read till the end of this post as there's also a contest as a token of appreciation for those who are willing to spread the news for this event!

"Esse Organic Skincare, an eco-conscious skincare brand promoting a sustainable lifestyle, will be hosting a one day "Nature" themed charity art sale event. The artwork will be painted by children, for children. Proceeds from the artwork will be donated to SHELTER – Home for Children in Malaysia. We protect what we love. By encouraging our children to paint the beauty of nature, we are also teaching them to love our irreplaceable Mother Earth. We would like to invite you to come join us on the 19th July at Annexe Gallery, Central Market, to show your support for these amazing young artists and to SHELTER. Gallery can be view here and is available for bookings." ~ Esse Organic Skincare

Fyi, this time I'm not sharing something for the sake of winning something even tough I'm already in the run of winning :P but honestly I'm doing this because I seriously adore those arts!!!!   Besides blogging, narrating, writing or expressing feelings and thoughts in words, drawing is another best way to picture out what's on your mind.  Agree?   That's why, I really admire people who could draw, sketch, paint or whatever related to art because I could hardly draw or even if I could I guess its gonna be worse than a kids drawing esp. when I try to draw humans >_<   So now scroll down to some colourful pictures(credits to ESSE Organic Skincare Malaysia) which are some of my personal favourites as well as the main point of this posting:

At a glance I thought this were drew by a calligrapher but looking at the details really surprised me!

"青山绿树, 那红色的小房子里住着森林小仙女.”

“ The forest fairies live in the red house surrounded by green mountains."
 Victoria Ruiyue Lin, 5, Hong Kong

I really love the colour contrast of this picture

“When everything faded from the front - Animals and nature faded to the back, all factories and dying trees.”
Nature Vs City - Truman Zhe Tew, 12

This cute rounded fishy really reminded me of buffer PUFFER FISH! due to some silly mistake I've made

"Please look after our oceans so our fish will always be happy"
 Jake, 6, South Africa - Happy Fish

From our neighbouring country
The Big Tree - Natalie Yong, 7, Singapore 

It just reminds me of the song:
Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul....

“Inspired from the Van Gogh’s work Starry-Starry Night. Amazing night scenery of our mother nature.”
Beautiful Scenery of Starry-Starry Night - Teh Yoke Peng, 11

Liking the details even tough its only black & white
Pia Steyn, 12, South Africa - Our feathered friends

Hannah Steyn, 15, South Africa - Birds of a Feather

idk y?  But it seems that this picture manage to possess a calm feeling in me ♥ 

Kyra Pope, 15, South Africa - Spring Blossom

Last but not least, art works from our very own little artists!  

Cars, motor, bicycle, plane, ferry, boat, LRT I've already ride before but someday I wish I could be on the hot air balloon as well! :)  

Fly Away - Charmaine Ng, 14, Malaysia

"Tree of dreams" really gives that heavenly feeling...or I should say serenity since I've never been to heaven :P

her other wondrous paintings....

Enough of the photo viewing session, aren't those beautiful?    You may click here to view the full gallery as they will be on auction, you may spare some time to head to the event on this 
coming Friday.  Perhaps consider to take one back home with you if you are interested and 
have some extra penny to spend for this good cause as all the proceeds will be donated for the needy or to be exact its for SHELTER  - Home for Children in Malaysia.  

Date   : 19th July 2013
Time: 11am to 7pm

Media Event : 2pm to 4pm
Location: ANNEXE Gallery, Gallery 2

For further details:

RSVP: Camy Ling | +6012-976 5737 |
Sales: Maria Yap | +6012-212 0371 |

You may also click on this link  to join the event!

Visit Tammy Miu's blog for the Share & Win details (take note contest ends 19/7/13 midnight!  So act fast bloggers!)

Signing off with 'Serenity'
another piece of art from Charmaine Ng

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